The High Sheriff of Shropshire

The High Sheriff of Shropshire

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Hereford Cathedral Choir in London

Tuesday 5th December 2017

Veronica and I attended the Service for Advent organised by the Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust in the Guards’ Chapel at Wellington Barracks, London. It was a beautiful service with wonderful singing by the Hereford Cathedral Choir, and was attended by the Lord-Lieutenants of both Herefordshire and Shropshire. Rhoddy Swire, who will take over as High Sheriff of Shropshire at the end of March 2018 and is Chairman of the Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust, laid a wreath at the Special Air Service Memorial within the Chapel. This is an excellent event that it held annually at the Guards’ Chapel to raise money in order to secure the financial future of the Cathedral.