The High Sheriff of Shropshire

The High Sheriff of Shropshire

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Thursday, 17th July Inter Company Novice Boxing Final, The Royal Irish Regiment, Tern Hill Barracks

Fighting for the 'Fox Cup'!
Fighting for the ‘Fox Cup’!

What a privilege it was to be witness to the finals of the “Fox Cup’ Inter Company Boxing competition where the High Sheriff was able to see for himself the energy and enthusiasm the 1st Battalion of The Royal Irish Regiment put into boxing. This is an extremely popular and exciting event in which all the Rangers – all 400 or so of them – from the different Companies of the Regiment come to give support to the competeing  boxers culminating in these finals, of which there are seven categories, ranging from the Light Weight to the Super Heavy Weight. Part of the soldier’s physical and mental training is to box where, in so doing, not only do they learn to hone their skills in the sport itself, but also, and all importantly, to learn about controlled aggression at the same time as reaping respect amongst their fellow Rangers. The camaraderie and bonding within each of the Companies was plain to be seen! We were warmly welcomed by the young, charismatic Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Ivor Gardiner who was installed in July 2012 by the Regiment’s Colonel in Chief, His Royal Highness The Duke of York. We were then put into the attentive care of Major Lee Shannahan who showed us around the Mess Rooms and escorted us to the ‘hanger’ where the boxing competition took place. One of the highlights of the evening was the rousing sounds and sights of bagpipes and drums given by the Regimental Pipers and Drummers to entertain the audience after a break in the interval – a truly magnificent sight! Following the end of the Competition we were royally entertained in the Officers Mess where the High Sheriff was able to meet Officers of all the Companies and also the boxers themselves. There are many more fascinating details to read on the regiment’s website: