The High Sheriff of Shropshire

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The Severn Hospice

From the Garden Event to the Severn Hospice in Shrewsbury where I was met by Paul Cronin, Chief Executive, and former chair and new friend, Peter Paulson. They both gave me a considerable amount of time. What a wonderfully, light, calm and inspiring place it is and what an impressive operation it is. Two thirds of the £9m annual cost is met by charitable donations – a credit to the generosity of the people of Shropshire. Recently there has been increased focus on Hospice at Home which enables patients to be cared for and to die at home and the team now care for 4/5ths of patients at home. This has been a huge success and will continue to be the largest area of growth.

The Severn Hospice is one of the charities that I am supporting during my year and if you would like to make a donation please go to Virgin Money Giving and type in my name (David Stacey)