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Ludlow Dog Day

Sunday 23rd July 2017

Veronica and I were invited to attend the splendid Ludlow Dog Day at Stokesay Court near Onibury.  This is a light-hearted dog show open to all comers and featuring such excellent classes as “Cutest Puppy”, “Waggiest Tail” and “Scruffiest Mutt”. Thanks are due to the Rotary Club of Ludlow, who are responsible for putting on the event, and to Caroline Magnus, who very generously allows the beautiful grounds of Stokesay Court to be used. This is the Fourth year that the Ludlow Dog Day has been held. Each year the Rotary Club of Ludlow chooses a number of charities to benefit from the day, and the charities benefitting this year are Canine Partners, Forest Dog Rescue, Alzheimers UK and Hope House.